Here is an archive of all hexes I make! Some are just personal projects, but some are special Petz that you can adopt from me! I'm still fairly new to all of this, so keep that in mind!
Just general hexies of cats, you can ask me for trades and sometimes I put these guys up for adoptions!

Based off one of my favorite cat breeds, the lykoi! They are a breed of cat with a unique mutation that makes their fur patchy and a roan coat color. Breed standard dictates that they must be black, but other cats can have the patchy fur too! They are lykois in my heart.
Polka Spotz

Magical kitties with color changing spots! Everytime you open up the game, their spots change color, so you get a surprise everytime! They are usually large and fluffy, and cool like Russian Blues, but some other varieties exist as well...



Future Projects!
Just some future project ideas I have! Most of these will just for personal use, but I'd like to share them here!
- Myth, my fursona. Currently a WIP
- Dream, another one of my fursonas!
- Radio from Strong Hearts are Mandatory! She'll be a chinchilla persian based hexie >:3
- The Madness Combat main characters. Since I already have Tricky, figured I should give him some friends! Don't worry, they're not the actual characters, just kitties who are big fans!